Hi xxx, thanks for the feedback before, for what I must do, I must consider, and the effect. Thankyou very much for your concern.
Last time I asked him, and ask about the answer. He said he got my point, but I don't think he really got it, or maybe I just don't know him well? Whatever. He said since we are broke up, and I'm noone to him, so he can only say that he is sorry. Still the same, it's always the sorry sorry and sorry again. He don't get my point or he won't fullfiled my last request.
Since I saw he is really really mean it (I mean really felt sorry), and it's happens nothing can fixed it except I had the time machine like the Doraemon does. Can be said i'd gave him my forgiveness and accept everything. But I'm still mad at him, I just need time to saw that he is really really sorry and wants me as his friend (it's all about the generousity about being a friend). I wants to believe, but this time not that easy! I made a small request, really simple ; let it be the last request from me which made him feels a little bit too much, maybe a little bit too far for him ,I considered it's only I and him it won't be a big problems. It's the last request to make me feels that he is really generous and he'd done it for his friend. I'd make it equals to the forgiveness that I gave him. I tested him, he answered no.
Suddenly many sounds flies to my head :" Are you really worth to be kept as friend? Why I kept you all this time? What for? Are you really wants me as your friend? or you just wants your freedom? I wants to be free too! I want all of this being solved too! Though I'm the game and you are the player, how to play it's all yours. I learned not to judged. But I just felt like that, I don't believed that easy, because peoples easily turns away when they got what they want. I really hates that.
I got mad, and I deleted his messenger. You cornering me, and you won't yield even half a step. You don't deserved to be my friend. He cut the other connection to me, and also cut his partner's connection to me. Whatever, I don't care anymore.
That time I've decided to choose that simple way which many peoples done. I just done it late. You and me are stranger now. No more "I considered you as my best friend"! Best friend become friend, and friend become just a friend! No more! And I dumped it all!
Before, I said that I happy for his partner, And I can't said that i'm not happy for him but when i gave my forgiveness it's all means that I'd followed his request: "I hope you will happy for me". But then, I just gave half of my forgiveness, and the another half will depends on himself! I said :"Don't you ever done it again to another people, be generous, be honest! I hope this thing only happens to me. Remember this, if you done it again you'll get the punshment! And ... I said the thing I really don't want to said before. I just ... I don't want to curse you or whatever bad to you, but I don't have another choice. You don't even yield for me, I added you as the one whom I don't wanna to care anymore.
From now on You and me are nothing at all, we are stranger.
Still this time are the last but not least, hax3 I'll wrote to you again my friend. Thanks for hearing me all this time, and I know you'll keep caring for me.
Best regards,
your troublesome friend.
Obrolan-obrolan ngawur GUWE! 在下中文不好、放肆到處打錯字、請不要對我說:我還給老師了。會給老馬唸唸碎!(那位學生!成績不好、課堂上一直給我聊天,期末考不及格!)
December 06, 2009
December 02, 2009
Testing post
Barusan bereksperimen dengan yang namanya "facebook connect" dan sekarang sedang dalam proses pengetesan.
apaitu facebook connect, sadang gue dalami hehehe. ntar dah terang baru tak jelasin dah.
apaitu facebook connect, sadang gue dalami hehehe. ntar dah terang baru tak jelasin dah.
November 30, 2009
A friend's Letter : "The Promise" (PART III)
Did you ever been fooled before? Do you know what is the feelings? Being fooled are past tense, how to believe are present tense, and do I can believe him are future tense.
I'm still the same like the old days, I do wants to believe. But ... there's doubts in my heart. I am the one that hurts. And I am the loser. Chinese peoples says 天下無白吃的午餐 (there wouldn't be a free lunch, means everything that you do would have the fruit in return). Is it really true?
I used to believed that phrases, but now ... .
Maybe I should ... . But I want says that : Just say sorry won't fix anything, but do something does fix things. So what do you say?
I'm still the same like the old days, I do wants to believe. But ... there's doubts in my heart. I am the one that hurts. And I am the loser. Chinese peoples says 天下無白吃的午餐 (there wouldn't be a free lunch, means everything that you do would have the fruit in return). Is it really true?
I used to believed that phrases, but now ... .
Maybe I should ... . But I want says that : Just say sorry won't fix anything, but do something does fix things. So what do you say?
A friend's Letter : "The Promise" (PART II)
i've thinking ... no I feel that. It's hurt inside, feels like burned ... . A little bit too much i think... Rampanging into my mind, and wasting the time to think think and think ... .
Actually I wants a second chances, he didn't gave it. Using those words makes me can do nothing to ... (forget it), but somehow the heart still kept a room - though it's been an empty, dusty, and already sealed- I really don't deserved for the second chances? Am I an annyoing fly so that he used the "joker card" to makes me go away? He says sorry to me, I know everyone just an ordinary human that can broke the promises. But I also human, no extraordinary.
It's easy to accept the words that you are sorry, but it's just not that easy to forgive like turning the hand upside down. I do not want to had a revenge, but I also not a saint, human heart had desire to revenge. But ... I hurt him and he hurt me back, he hurt me and I do the same, that would be an endless karma circle.
I don't want your sorry 單單對不起一句話,是無法解決事情, I don't want to tied you 我綁不了你, I just want something equal for the uncureable scar 我要你對我誠懇、足夠來摺我傷痕.Chinese says 以牙還牙 (tooth for tooth), but I do not want teeth, I wants a heart for heart. That's my condition for you, the decision is yours.
I do not want to be 最熟悉的陌生人 to you. And all this time you are the 最熟悉的陌生人. As if I had done something wrong to you, and i even not allowed talked to you when you aren't in mood.
A friend's Letter : "The Promise" (PART I)
A friend's letter
Dear my friend, sorry I suddenly wrote a letter to you after years that I haven't mailed you one, I thought last time are really the last, looks like it become at last but not least. It's been a while that I don't dream about him, but yesterday night I dreamt of him. I don't clearly remember the dream, but looks like about a marriage? Old age? Whatever, I forgot. Today, on my way to works I got news from him that he is already been with another people. Suddenly my heart got burned, feels sullen.
Arrived to the office, got this problem taken to the office and bunch of works needs me to solved for. What a perfect day!
In fact I already aware that this day would happens. And that promises he said, my rational thought says that it is rather difficult to be kept. I asked him to make sure about that, and he gave me a confident statement. I don't belived it, but since he was sure and another me do wants to believe, so he and the emotional one succeed to convinced me to believed it (and now It's already been a torn promise).
I have got several thing flying inside-outside of my minds, about the solution, about the condition, about everything. But this is not easy to going through. I ... I want to run. Just for a while, cooling down and reducing this hurt.

Dear my friend, sorry I suddenly wrote a letter to you after years that I haven't mailed you one, I thought last time are really the last, looks like it become at last but not least. It's been a while that I don't dream about him, but yesterday night I dreamt of him. I don't clearly remember the dream, but looks like about a marriage? Old age? Whatever, I forgot. Today, on my way to works I got news from him that he is already been with another people. Suddenly my heart got burned, feels sullen.
Arrived to the office, got this problem taken to the office and bunch of works needs me to solved for. What a perfect day!
In fact I already aware that this day would happens. And that promises he said, my rational thought says that it is rather difficult to be kept. I asked him to make sure about that, and he gave me a confident statement. I don't belived it, but since he was sure and another me do wants to believe, so he and the emotional one succeed to convinced me to believed it (and now It's already been a torn promise).
I have got several thing flying inside-outside of my minds, about the solution, about the condition, about everything. But this is not easy to going through. I ... I want to run. Just for a while, cooling down and reducing this hurt.
November 01, 2009
Kedutan~oh kedutan.
Dah beberapa hari ini, mata ane *dat-dut-dat-dut* mulu. Udah kaya mobil mo mogok gak jadi mogok eh mogok eh gak jadi. Persisnya di kiri bawah, setelah googling katanya : bakal mengalami kesedihan.
Pasal ramalan ini, gw jadi sdikit gelisah. Gak tau biasa gua gak begitu percaya, tapi ini kedutan dah berlangsung 3harian (seinget gua) dan sekarang juga masih "joged2"... . Siang tadi jadi mimpi buruk, keringetan bangunnya (emang gak pake AC seh), dan masih teringat di kepala gua bayangan mimpi tadi.
Mau percaya gak percaya, tapi kadang ramalan bener, kadang ngaco. Gak ngarti juga deh, tapi semoga gak terjadi sesuatu yang berarti deh. I Pray to you, GOD. apa yang menjadi kehendak-Mu terjadilah.
Pasal ramalan ini, gw jadi sdikit gelisah. Gak tau biasa gua gak begitu percaya, tapi ini kedutan dah berlangsung 3harian (seinget gua) dan sekarang juga masih "joged2"... . Siang tadi jadi mimpi buruk, keringetan bangunnya (emang gak pake AC seh), dan masih teringat di kepala gua bayangan mimpi tadi.
Mau percaya gak percaya, tapi kadang ramalan bener, kadang ngaco. Gak ngarti juga deh, tapi semoga gak terjadi sesuatu yang berarti deh. I Pray to you, GOD. apa yang menjadi kehendak-Mu terjadilah.
July 21, 2009
Blackberry Messenger Ver 4.6 OTA via Blackberry.com (Downgrade)
Jangan lupa buat backup dulu database BBM anda. dan Do It on Your Own Risk yach.
Boleh di coba download OTA nya via link resmi BlackBerry (langsung ketik di browser BB)
Cara tersimple dan cara termudah dibanding mesti install ulang OS. Download selesai, jalankan, dan simsalabim~ BBM lama udah terinstall. Tinggal kita backup eh restore database BBM nya getoh. Temen saya suda coba dan berhasil (dia kelinci putih nya wkwkwk, sehat dan idup hehehe).
atau (info via kaskus)
cara downgrade lewat HH
• Uninstall BBM (Options > Advanced Options > Applications > Choose
Blackberry Messenger > Menu (blackberry logo on your keypad) > Delete
> restart HH
• Download OTA nya dr link dibawah
I'm not responsible to any lost of bbm contacts during process
link Kaskus
Boleh di coba download OTA nya via link resmi BlackBerry (langsung ketik di browser BB)
Cara tersimple dan cara termudah dibanding mesti install ulang OS. Download selesai, jalankan, dan simsalabim~ BBM lama udah terinstall. Tinggal kita backup eh restore database BBM nya getoh. Temen saya suda coba dan berhasil (dia kelinci putih nya wkwkwk, sehat dan idup hehehe).
atau (info via kaskus)
cara downgrade lewat HH
• Uninstall BBM (Options > Advanced Options > Applications > Choose
Blackberry Messenger > Menu (blackberry logo on your keypad) > Delete
> restart HH
• Download OTA nya dr link dibawah
I'm not responsible to any lost of bbm contacts during process
link Kaskus
July 20, 2009
BlackBerry Messenger Ver.5 Setting Issue (menormalkan kecepatan transfer??)
Hari ini gw terima mess lage neh mengenai BBM 5. Dapet dari temen bilang nya begini:
Buat yang sudah download bbm ver.5, untuk menormalkan kecepatan transfer data bbm, ikuti langka sbb:
Advance Option
Host Routing Table
Pilih xxx(Gw Hapus)xxx yang dicetak tebal
Tekan menu (tombol )
Pilih register now
Pilih OK
Dan karena gw sudah downgrade kemaren, so gw paste lah ke temen gw yg masih pake BBM 5. Hasilnya gw kena marah, karena BBM nya jadi gak bisa msg, gak bisa terima msg juga. Temen yang laen bilang lancar... . Wah gw jadi bingung mana gak enak pula ama temen gw itu.
Kemudian ada temen yg laen, dia juga mess itu settingan ke gw. (Anehnya itu semua sama persis, kalo elu teliti ada hurup yang kurang di postingan diatas) Apa bener sih settingan ini? Karena temen gw yg barusan ini dia juga jalanin, trus malem ini malah gak jalan BBM nya, gw msg ke da tertulis Delivered, tapi gak read dan sesudah gw confirm ternyata dia pun gak terima.
So teman2 waspadalah, jangan jalanin something yang gak jelas. Atau ambil amannya re-install aja BBMnya ke ver 4.6, memang langkahnya sedikit ribet tapi itung2 nambah pengetahuan utik2 BB lah, kalo sumthing terjadi dg softwarenya kita gak panik. Dan jangan lupa buat sering2 backup data anda begitu ada perubahan.
Buat yang sudah download bbm ver.5, untuk menormalkan kecepatan transfer data bbm, ikuti langka sbb:
Advance Option
Host Routing Table
Pilih xxx(Gw Hapus)xxx yang dicetak tebal
Tekan menu (tombol )
Pilih register now
Pilih OK
Dan karena gw sudah downgrade kemaren, so gw paste lah ke temen gw yg masih pake BBM 5. Hasilnya gw kena marah, karena BBM nya jadi gak bisa msg, gak bisa terima msg juga. Temen yang laen bilang lancar... . Wah gw jadi bingung mana gak enak pula ama temen gw itu.
Kemudian ada temen yg laen, dia juga mess itu settingan ke gw. (Anehnya itu semua sama persis, kalo elu teliti ada hurup yang kurang di postingan diatas) Apa bener sih settingan ini? Karena temen gw yg barusan ini dia juga jalanin, trus malem ini malah gak jalan BBM nya, gw msg ke da tertulis Delivered, tapi gak read dan sesudah gw confirm ternyata dia pun gak terima.
So teman2 waspadalah, jangan jalanin something yang gak jelas. Atau ambil amannya re-install aja BBMnya ke ver 4.6, memang langkahnya sedikit ribet tapi itung2 nambah pengetahuan utik2 BB lah, kalo sumthing terjadi dg softwarenya kita gak panik. Dan jangan lupa buat sering2 backup data anda begitu ada perubahan.
(New) Blackberry Messenger Ver 5 : Remove, Re-install, Restore ( Downgrade )

Kemaren2 dapet kabar dari teman, bahwa sudah keluar Blackberry Messengger baru ver. 5. Hari itu gua cobain download via link OTA (On The Air) yang dikasih temen, dibilangin kalo banyak yang mau download dari link tersebut(seluruh dunia), konsekuensinya bakal sering fail tapi sudah banyak temen yang berhasil install . Kabarnya cuma satu itu link yang masih aktif dan harus buru2 download kalo telat tar bakal di"turunin" oleh RIM (sepertinya ini link bocoran alias belum resmi direlease oleh RIM). Gua cobainlah download OTAnya 3 kali,4 kali,15 kali,xx kali! Ngebetein abizzz! Akhirnya kali yg kesekian kalinya terdl lah 99% dan laknatnya itu program terus2 an tanya yes no yes no yes no, gw teken yes gk respon, gw tekan sekali lagi... *AH!* emang laknat BB lag dan klik yg ke2 kali tsb diartikan bahwa gw mengklik CANCEL Q$^%#^@!. Capeee deeech. *GrrR*
Siang itu dengan BT gw coba2in terus, ada kali keberapa gw klik kotak kecil yang ada tentang permission2 nya, dan akibatnya BBM gua ilang! Mau marah gak bisa, gondok sndiri deh. Akhirnya setelah melihat ke web asalnya Forum.k*f*g**l.com , ternyata ada file yg bisa buat install via PC, dengan step2 yang rumit dan bikin gak ngerti. Sore itu gw install dengan cara sendiri via BB Desktop Manager, simpel dan cepet *3) (akan gw jelasin dibawah), dan HOLA! BB gw udah terinstall BBM ver.5 yang mirip dengan MSN. Wah dah update negh, gw gak lagi pake bb lama yg gak gaul. Senangnya. Tapi, besoknya problem datang. BBM down siang sampe malem, message dari temen2 gw ada yg delay, ada yg dilivered, malah parahnya gw terima mess sama yg nyampe berulang-ulang! Temen gw suspect server bb yg lagi down, buktinya malem hari uda bisa pake kembali, walo problem sebelumnya masih terjadi.
Setelah survey2 dan tanya2 gw sendiri menyimpulkan bahwa BBM baru banyak masalahnya, bugnya banyak (toh belum direlease oleh RIM), akhirnya gua rollback BBM ke ver sebelumnya 4.6 Gak peduli lah sapa yg error, yang penting sekarang BBM gw lancar seperti sebelum install BBM 5.
Tips & Cara rollback BBM:
0.Backup dulu data BlackBerry anda (nanti diperlukan buat restore contact BBM)
1.Delete BBM5 via setting-advance option-application blackberry anda.
2.Re-install BBM lama dengan cara yg sama *1) saat update ponsel BB anda.
3.Rollback database BBM (contact BBM anda) dari file backup *2) terdahulu anda.
Dan anda sudah dapat menggunakan kembali BBM ver4.6.
*1) Re-install BBM
- Install file exe update BB yg dapat di d/l via web blackberry (via PC)
- Delete file VENDOR.XML dari root C:/Program files/Common files/Research in Motion/AppLoader/
- Run application loader.
- tandai Blackberry Messenger dan mulai install ulang.
*2) Rollback database BBM
- Aktifkan Blackberry device manager
- pilih backup/restore
- pilih advance, terlihat 2 kotak yang mana kotak kanan adalah database dari ponsel BB anda dan sebelah kiri adalah database yang akan direload dari komputer andam
- dibagian kiri atas ada "file" klik, dan pilih dimana anda menyimpan file backup terdahulu milik anda.
- Blackberry Device Manager akan meload data dari file backup tadi
- pilih Blackberry Messenger (bagian kiri) dan klik icon >> dibagian tengah, yang berarti BB D.manager akan merestore database BBM ponsel anda dengan database BBM yang tadi telah anda pilih.
- Coba cek BBM anda, semua contact harusnya sudah ter-restore.
+ mungkin akan terjadi reinvite oleh contact anda yang disebabkan BBM teman anda mendetect bahwa dia tidak ada dalam database BBM anda (sebelum anda backup databasenya ada teman anda yang mengirimkan pesan ke BBM anda)
+ mungkin contact tersebut terlihat PIN nya bukan nick, tetapi abaikan saja nanti nicknya akan muncul dengan sendirinya
3) Install BBM 5 via Blackberry Desktop Manager (Do On Your Own Risk)
- Download file BBM ver.5 sesuai dengan masing2 ponsel BB anda (BBM_4.6.0.zip untuk Bold), dan extract ke folder
- Hidupkan desktop manager
- Klik Application loader, klik Start pada Add/Removeaplication
- Pilih folder dan klik pada file BlackBerryMessenger.alx
- Jalankan proses add aplikasi dan BB anda akan diinstal BBM baru.
1.Kafe gaul - BlackBerry OS Updates, Reviews, Applications, and Software (Including Themes&Games)
2.Panduan update BlackBerry (link BlackBerry.com) (file PDF)
3.Download file untuk Update BlackBerry (link BlackBerry.com) pilih provider anda dibagian Asia Pacific.
Selamat mencoba, dan jika ada pertanyaan seputar hal2 diatas, saya akan mencoba membantu.
June 21, 2009
February 02, 2009
I counted , one two three four ... all of them are about the same thing. And let this be the fifth one (Again?!).
Haha. Today is the fifth day, the fifth day i got FEVER! I've consulted with the doctor and already take her prescription, but looks like the healing progress walks slowly.
The day before, there's so many problem. I have thinking, and i felt all of those problems were not FAIR, but this is life WELCOME to THE SOCIETY. Problems runs on its own path, if you can't controlled it, I'll run off from the defaults path.
My dad often said:
1. "There's not exist a free lunch". It means whatever you do, whatever you got, it is certain had something in return. 就是人們說的「 沒有白吃的午餐」。
2. "Boat arrived to the harbor, will be straight on its own". Means whatever you do, you'll find the way on your own. 「船到橋頭自然直」。
side story:
Peoples called it LOVE. Peoples keeps looking for it. Some peoples got HAPPINESS, some peoples got HATRED, some peoples got BLINDED, some peoples DON'T KNOW what it is. What is the most popular music? What is your life purpose? This is one of life element and had big affliction on peoples life.
LOVE is bound, Two peoples being bound by one feeling. You hurt the another one, you also get those wound.
HURT yourself, you'll wounds yourself. You makes others happy, then you also will be happy. That's the CHEMISTRY.
HURT other, you also got the wounds.
When it's not on the same tracks, you'll get those feeling wrecked into two different direction. Wreck means divide, and divided must be HURT.
Two OPTION MUST be decided:
1.Hurt yourself, or
2.Hurt the others.
You know the consequences, you'll be the one who got those wounds and hurt.
Another side story:
POWER. It's just like the water, water drops were weightless. But not for a big barrel ofwater. And watched for those floods in this february. Small water , small power, big water, big power.
To be continued.
Haha. Today is the fifth day, the fifth day i got FEVER! I've consulted with the doctor and already take her prescription, but looks like the healing progress walks slowly.
The day before, there's so many problem. I have thinking, and i felt all of those problems were not FAIR, but this is life WELCOME to THE SOCIETY. Problems runs on its own path, if you can't controlled it, I'll run off from the defaults path.
My dad often said:
1. "There's not exist a free lunch". It means whatever you do, whatever you got, it is certain had something in return. 就是人們說的「 沒有白吃的午餐」。
2. "Boat arrived to the harbor, will be straight on its own". Means whatever you do, you'll find the way on your own. 「船到橋頭自然直」。
side story:
Peoples called it LOVE. Peoples keeps looking for it. Some peoples got HAPPINESS, some peoples got HATRED, some peoples got BLINDED, some peoples DON'T KNOW what it is. What is the most popular music? What is your life purpose? This is one of life element and had big affliction on peoples life.
LOVE is bound, Two peoples being bound by one feeling. You hurt the another one, you also get those wound.
HURT yourself, you'll wounds yourself. You makes others happy, then you also will be happy. That's the CHEMISTRY.
HURT other, you also got the wounds.
When it's not on the same tracks, you'll get those feeling wrecked into two different direction. Wreck means divide, and divided must be HURT.
Two OPTION MUST be decided:
1.Hurt yourself, or
2.Hurt the others.
You know the consequences, you'll be the one who got those wounds and hurt.
Another side story:
POWER. It's just like the water, water drops were weightless. But not for a big barrel ofwater. And watched for those floods in this february. Small water , small power, big water, big power.
To be continued.

January 14, 2009
左右為難 - A dilemma
沉澱下去? (會溺斃吧)
不如一刀兩斷? (會痛嗎)
默默地離開? (心裡無謂無憾嗎)
沉澱下去? (會溺斃吧)
不如一刀兩斷? (會痛嗎)
默默地離開? (心裡無謂無憾嗎)
Stupid words
Felt like got burned inside .Is it afraid to lose? is it anger? is it envy? is it love? is it unsatisfy? is it some other things? It's just a transition time. Flowers bloom beautifully on the the right hands. It want them, they knows how to grew it. There's no place for me.
So what is the point? Being nice to me?Makes me hoping, but the hope itself won't come true.Is it me? or the situation? Which one to blame. How to extinguished the fire? Feel like I'm powerless. Let the time do it? It will run out of it's gas and extinguished by it self? Yes, if no one added the gas. Yes, stupid one! TOLD HIM NOT TO ADD THE GAS! That is the best way. Extinct the fire, eliminated the fire source.
By the way ... what I am talking about ... like a fool in the middle of the road, peoples keeps walking and you stunned there, looking through the Shop windows and focused on the toys inside. You are grown up man! Not a boy anymore. And WON'T typing those stupid words again. No align, No point, No structure and No Object.
You are the most important! Don't bother, just think for yourself, and happiness is in your hands.
Mama Lauren says : " I seen BRIGHT light in your future!". BELIEVE IT OR NOT. LoL
ps: Mama Lauren = A psychic , peoples believed that her prophecy are accurate. (DO YOU?)
So what is the point? Being nice to me?Makes me hoping, but the hope itself won't come true.Is it me? or the situation? Which one to blame. How to extinguished the fire? Feel like I'm powerless. Let the time do it? It will run out of it's gas and extinguished by it self? Yes, if no one added the gas. Yes, stupid one! TOLD HIM NOT TO ADD THE GAS! That is the best way. Extinct the fire, eliminated the fire source.
By the way ... what I am talking about ... like a fool in the middle of the road, peoples keeps walking and you stunned there, looking through the Shop windows and focused on the toys inside. You are grown up man! Not a boy anymore. And WON'T typing those stupid words again. No align, No point, No structure and No Object.
You are the most important! Don't bother, just think for yourself, and happiness is in your hands.
Mama Lauren says : " I seen BRIGHT light in your future!". BELIEVE IT OR NOT. LoL
ps: Mama Lauren = A psychic , peoples believed that her prophecy are accurate. (DO YOU?)
January 11, 2009
A story: A forgotten lot.

Once upon a time, there is an empty lot , colourful flowers and various plants used to be grown there.
One day something happens there and wiped out those beautiful plants. The stupid owner let it gone, once and forever. All this day he don't feels any better with those empty lot, he tried to plant it again, he plant the seeds, he watered the seed, and he also gave it the fertilizer.
He expect and hoping that they might and will grown green like the day before. Time passed, day to day, month to month. But there's no sign the weed grown into green trees, so he checked it out. He dig the soil and starting to collect those died seed one by one. He knows that the soil are not fertilize anymore, but from many of those seeds, several of them should be grown into weeds. In fact it never grown.
He thinks that lot still had the soil and of course the soil can makes the seeds grown. He thought it must be the seeds, he must be bought bad seeds and changes the new seeds to be plant into. On the third chances he also failed. All the seeds won't grown too. He also starting to collect it, and he also thinking to discard those withered seed.
If the seeds was not the problem, then it must be the soil. If it isn'tthe soil so what is the problem. And there is no answer yet. He always like those lot like the day before, but he also tired of planting those seeds. If those lot doesn't give him any others advantaged, what is the meaning to keeps those lot? Why don't He sold it out, buy another one, and decided to sealed those fabulous old memories into the tiny treasure box.
How about that old lot? Others may take it and wants to plant something beautiful into it. The plant maybe grow and maybe not, but in the past that lot told him that he may plant something there, they will grow but no flowers sprout, It won't comming out because the lot doesn't afford to grow anymore flowers . He hope that one of those seeds left by him may sprout and grown the flower. But it is really tiring ... hoping for nothing.
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