Haha. Today is the fifth day, the fifth day i got FEVER! I've consulted with the doctor and already take her prescription, but looks like the healing progress walks slowly.
The day before, there's so many problem. I have thinking, and i felt all of those problems were not FAIR, but this is life WELCOME to THE SOCIETY. Problems runs on its own path, if you can't controlled it, I'll run off from the defaults path.
My dad often said:
1. "There's not exist a free lunch". It means whatever you do, whatever you got, it is certain had something in return. 就是人們說的「 沒有白吃的午餐」。
2. "Boat arrived to the harbor, will be straight on its own". Means whatever you do, you'll find the way on your own. 「船到橋頭自然直」。
side story:
Peoples called it LOVE. Peoples keeps looking for it. Some peoples got HAPPINESS, some peoples got HATRED, some peoples got BLINDED, some peoples DON'T KNOW what it is. What is the most popular music? What is your life purpose? This is one of life element and had big affliction on peoples life.
LOVE is bound, Two peoples being bound by one feeling. You hurt the another one, you also get those wound.
HURT yourself, you'll wounds yourself. You makes others happy, then you also will be happy. That's the CHEMISTRY.
HURT other, you also got the wounds.
When it's not on the same tracks, you'll get those feeling wrecked into two different direction. Wreck means divide, and divided must be HURT.
Two OPTION MUST be decided:
1.Hurt yourself, or
2.Hurt the others.
You know the consequences, you'll be the one who got those wounds and hurt.
Another side story:
POWER. It's just like the water, water drops were weightless. But not for a big barrel ofwater. And watched for those floods in this february. Small water , small power, big water, big power.
To be continued.

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